BBM supplies the Panasonic CR2412/BN Battery. This non-rechargeable Lithium Manganese Dioxide coin cell battery delivers 3V/100mAh of power - in stock for immediate delivery.
Watches, Computers, Calculators, Cameras, Photo Micro Lites, Motherboard, Dreamcast VMUs, PocketStations, AbTronicsCompact, Low power consuming cordless applications, Pagers, Keyless remote entry systems for cars and homes, Audio books, Games and Toys, Electronic dictionaries, Electronic translators Memory back-up in all types of devices (with tab terminals)
- CR2412, CR-2412, CR 2412/BN
- BR2412
- CR2412/BE
- CR2412BN
- P042
- P042-ND
- DL2412
- ECR2412
- E-CR2412
- KCR2412
- KECR2412
- KL2412
- L2412
Battery Specifications:
Battery Type: Coin Cell
Voltage: 3.0V
Capacity : 100mAh
Chemistry: Lithium
Size: 24mm x 1.2mm
**If you require Air (overnight) shipping, these batteries must ship as Class 9 Hazardous or Dangerous Goods. There will be an additional fee of $75.00 to cover the Hazmat Surcharge, and you will be contacted for payment after ordering. (PLEASE NOTE - there is no extra charge for ground transport)**
MSDS Material Safety Datasheet