BBM supplies the Replacement Mitsubishi GT15-BAT Battery and the Mitsubishi GT11-50BAT Battery for your PLC requirements. Built in house in our ISO certified facility as a direct cross the the above batteries AND the GOT1000 Battery - these batteries are in stock and ready for immediate delivery.
Battery Specifications:
Dimensions: 5.0mm x 25mm
Voltage: 3.0 V
Capacity : 620mAh
Chemistry: Lithium
Terminal Type: Wire Leads / Connector
PLEASE NOTE - please pay attention to the battery polarity. We also offer the same battery and connector - reversed polarity. Please verify your polarity requirement prior to ordering.
This product is a high-quality, long-lasting battery replacement built specifically for use in Mitsubishi programmable logic computers (PLCs) and industrial computers. This item is an equivalent version of the original equipment manufactures (OEM) battery.
If you require Air (overnight) shipping, these batteries must ship as Class 9 Hazardous or Dangerous Goods. There will be an additional fee of $50.00 to cover the Hazmat Surcharge, and you will be contacted for payment after ordering. (PLEASE NOTE - there is no extra charge for ground transport)
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